Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Long Term Relationship

A friend asked me this morning about long term relationship? How to have one, how to be in one and how to survive ... and my answer was, how the heck should i know? Well, after a few research I can come out with some conclusions, but please be aware i'm not speaking in terms of experience but rather knowledge.

To be in an LTR, some of the characteristics are
  1. Timeless love - simply commit to each other for better or for worse
  2. Mutual faithfulness - be faithful with each other, no associated affair
  3. Satisfaction - unresolved dissatisfactions kill relationship
  4. Shared history - the more of life two people experience together, the more connected they become and continue to be
  5. Family ties - depends on one upbringing and how their relationship with siblings and relatives
  6. Communication - communicate, communicate and communicate
  7. Maturing together - help each other to grow as individuals
So there you go, if you wanna have one, those are the charecteristics that you need to have to make the relationship last forever. Don't take my words 100%, they could be true or they could turn into lies. The most important thing is, to survive in a relationship, one must understand and accept your significant other as who he/she is.