Need for Green
Was going through my wardrobe last nite when I realized, I don't have any proper shirt in green color. Made a mental note, the next shirt I'm gonna buy will be in green.
Do you know that green is the easiest color on the eye and can improve vision? This color is the most calming color and can be said that it has no effect to the human nervous system. So if you wanna relax, try take a look at the trees. If you wanna calm down, take a look at something green.
For those who'd be looking at the monitor for such a long time, take a break every 2-3 hours and try to look to something green. It'll help you from straining your eyes. Ohh, by setting you pc wallpaper to green color or picture of trees, dun think will help much. You need to look to something natural. Best bet are those trees planted by dbkl.
Green also is the most symbiotic relation to everything natural. Most of the trees are green, so do vegetables. Algae in the lake/sea are also green. Hmm ... does Hulk fall under natural too?
Green's various shades have different symbolic meanings:
- Dark Green -- cool, masculine, conservative, and implies wealth.
- Emerald Green -- immortality.
- Olive Green -- the color of peace.
- Yellow-Greens -- least preferred color of consumers.
Another fact, according to statistics, men's favorite color is
BLUE and second favorite color ...
BLACK, yay!!!
ORANGE ... believe it or not, third! Euurrkkhhhh
GREEN is distant fourth ...
Futsal tomorrow
To all the usual dudes (u know who u are)
Haris is planning for futsal session tomorrow nite. Time and place as usual, Segambut midnite. Who wanna join?? Leave ur comments pls.
tired + sleepy + bored in the office ... and bad hair day, duhhh!!!

A bit of everything
AF3Yeah, the commercial-laden so-called reality show is back. Well, kinda late to notice it, but hell ... i'm not a fanatic, so who cares anyway?. I'd prefer Malaysian Idol. Just happened to watch the first concert, it sucked big time! Only a few managed to sing well, the rest ... blah!! Not forgetting the staged-drama in the end, what a crap of bullshit. Perhaps ASTRO/MAESTRO (or whoever the one handling AF3) feeling the commercial loss they gonna experience with all the hype surrounding Mawi not being in AF3, opted to give 2nd chance to those unlucky 8 who didn't make it in the first round. But that Mawi guy sure can sing, yeah ... good luck to u!
LazySo lazy nowadays, even in the office. Practically not doing anything except tweaking my projects here and there. When at home, I just dun wanna do anything. Watching tv will be the main agenda, make up for all the tv series I missed during the weekdays.
Another lostMy dear friend, Anns (Che' Tat to some of you), lost his father late Saturday nite. I'm sorry for your terrible lost, Anns. I'd lost a father before so I know how does it feel. Eventhough, he's not my real father, but the void left could not be filled anymore. I hope, you'll be patience,
redha and strong to face your upcoming days without your father.
Semoga rohnya diampunkan dosa-dosa, ditempatkan di sisi orang yang beriman dan dicucuri rahmat, al-Fatihah.
My "No Life" lifeWake up, go to the office, office hours ended then continue with the gym, go back home and sleep. Repeat that for the whole week. Ohh, throw in now and then watching movie in the cinema. Duhhh, how pathetic could that be? I don't read papers nor watch the news. So don't ask me what's happening around the world. On top of that, I don't meet people anymore ... not even my friends, like I used to do last time. And I don't call'em/msg'em neither. Don't mention about clubbing, another forgotten chapter from long lost tales of my so-called life. Well, not that I'm whining too much about my sordid life now, but heck although it sounds bored to death surprisingly I don't feel it that way. Feel kinda happy too. I guess what my friend used to tell me is true somehow, I live in my own world.
My eating disorder?I count calories on whatever drink that I buy, I skip meals whenever I want, I do lots of cardio in the gym if I eat lunch during the day, I eat little amount of rice (by the 5th spooning I could finished my meal), I choose carefully dishes that go with my mix rice, if I have fast-food for lunch I'll go meal-free for the rest of the day and above all, I'm losing weight ... and my friend said I'm becoming bullimic. Ahh, could that be true? I dun feel anything say like fatigue, easily to get tired or whatever. As far as I know, I'm feeling fine ... tq.
My Metal Wish List
these are some of metal releases in 2005 that i can't wait to get my hand on'em. most of'em received glowing reviews
GREEN CARNATION - the quiet offspring
SENTENCED - the funeral album
KAMELOT - the black halo
CANDLEMASS - candlemass
PARADISE LOST - paradise lost
nggrkkhhh ... when can i get streamyx connection at home? miss my leeching time back in my old company. buuhuhuhu ...