Sunday, November 27, 2005

O bloody O bladaa

For 15 years I was made to believe I had B blood type until tonight when my blood test result was shown to me. I have O blood type ... the not-so universal donor group. Make me wonder how on earth those hospital people did the blood test when I was in school? I told people (when asked) I was B+ blood type even. But somehow, now I'm O+ and some adjustments have to be made to certain documents. Or else, if anything happened to me and I need blood transfusion ... I'll be getting the wrong blood type.

For you information:

Blood compatibility chart
Recipient Blood Type Donor must be
AB+ Any blood type
AB- O- A- B- AB-
A+ O- O+ A- A+
A- O- A-

B+ O- O+ B- B+
B- O- B-

O+ O- O+

O- O-