Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Take a breather

Got to the office quite late today, 10AM. As of now, taking a breather from the hectic lifestyle and worklife. Kinda feel tired too, but hey weekend is just 2 days ahead. Yeah right, like i can rest over the weekend.

While on the way to the office, something caught my attention when the DJs bitched about school holidays. It brought back all those sweet memories of school-going years. Those are the best days of my life (up to now) ... what about my dear readers out there (... if there is any)?

I remember, whenever there were school holidays, be it a long or a short ones, there're always something to do or somewhere to go. Usually, we (my siblings and I, with a few cousins) were offloaded to our uncle's/aunt's house, either in KL or Singapore. Those were the days when the mere mention of Tugu Negara, Marine Parade, Zoo Negara or Singapore Botanical Garden sounded very interesting and cunning. Not forgetting the ever luscious Pulau Sentosa and its cable cars.

But those are then, this is now. If I could even find time now to go to Zoo Negara, heck I'd be the happiest person in the world. Until I could find that time, let me go with the flow and see where it goes.

See ya'all around, folks ...