Jeddah - Departure

Jeddah Airport - Haj Terminal, only operational during Haj season

With my newly bought jubah ... matrix!

Our merry troop waiting for our flight to Malaysia

My room mates, Farhan (left most) and Khairi (middle)
Madinah Munawwarah

Perkuburan Baqi' - Saidina Usman Al Affan, Saidatina Aishah and others Anbia'

Masjid Nabawi - Underneath the silver dome is the Raudhah, and underneath the green dome is maqam Rasulullah SAW, Saidina Abu Bakar As-Siddiq and Saidina Umar Al-Khattab

Me, freezing cold in front of Masjid Nabawi ... it's only 10AM

Me again, with my snow cap + big sweater + big pants ... just to keep warm
Madinah Munawwarah - Ziarah

Masjid Quba' - "Barangsiapa yang berwudhu di rumahnya dan kemudian ia menuju ke masjid Quba' dan bersolat di dalamnya, pahalanya serupa dengan satu umrah yang sempurna"

Our little merry troop with the bus driver at a tamar plantation, eat all you can fresh tamar.

Jabal Uhud

Masjid Qiblatain - this is where the wahyu to change the qiblat (from Baitul Maqdis to Masjidil Haram) was sent to Rasulullah
Madinah Munawwarah - Masjid Nabawi

This was taken around 2AM and it was soooo cold, freezing!

Masjid Nabawi during the day ... I love Madinah!!!
Makkatul Mukarramah - Masjidil Haram

My heart will go teary whenever I look at this pic, I miss this place so much ...

In front of Bab Al Fahd - one of the big entrance to Masjidil Haram. Just after this photo was taken, we're chased by a guard (no pics allowed!) ... so, larikkkkkkkkk!!!
Jeddah - Ziarah

At the Qisas Mosque

Floating Mosque at the shore of Red Sea - with me mom

Me + my mom + my aunties ... our little group for Haj 2006

The Floating Mosque by the Red Sea, full of Indons! I felt like visiting Jakarta.
Ja'ranah - Miqat Umrah

With me mom @ Ja'ranah mosque. Rasullah's did his first umrah miqat here, and we did likewise. The umrah was done after I'd finished all my haji ibadah.