Madinah Munawwarah - Ziarah
Masjid Quba' - "Barangsiapa yang berwudhu di rumahnya dan kemudian ia menuju ke masjid Quba' dan bersolat di dalamnya, pahalanya serupa dengan satu umrah yang sempurna"
Our little merry troop with the bus driver at a tamar plantation, eat all you can fresh tamar.
Jabal Uhud
Masjid Qiblatain - this is where the wahyu to change the qiblat (from Baitul Maqdis to Masjidil Haram) was sent to Rasulullah
Our little merry troop with the bus driver at a tamar plantation, eat all you can fresh tamar.
Jabal Uhud
Masjid Qiblatain - this is where the wahyu to change the qiblat (from Baitul Maqdis to Masjidil Haram) was sent to Rasulullah