Arafah - Without it, no haj
Why did I say like that? For all the others rukun in Haji, if you can't do it you can let others do it for you. But, for wuquf in Arafah, you have to be there yourself; soul and body. What do you there? Anything, you can sleep the whole day if you want. But be known, wuquf time is when the "pintu rahmat" is wide open and it is the time Allah is nearest to us. So, think yourself what you should do during wuquf. This is the starting point of your haji, if you got it wrong then ... wallahualam. Anyway rukun haji is as below, for those who do not know
- Niat
- Wuquf di Arafah
- Tawaf Ifadah
- Saei
- Bercukur
- Tertib (pada kebanyakkan rukun)
During the khutbah of wuquf, after Zohor prayer.