finale - my apology
assalamualaikum warahmatullahiwabarakatuhin a few days time, my holy journey will start. I wanna apologize for the deeds done, words spoken, thoughts conjured and wishes yearned to any of you. i know i did lots of wrongful doing, intentionally or unintentionally, those came from my selfish, self-centered, no compromise being. i'm sorry for what i have done, please forgive me
i'm sorry too for being in silence to any of you, sometimes i would say things that might hurt ur feelings/emotions and i thought it's better to be silent rather than keep talking/communicating. or maybe i thought that's the best thing to do after what have been said and done. i'm sorry ...
i hope i would become a better person once i came back, insyaAllah. bertaubat dan menjadi muslim yg soleh dan beriman ... doakan saya dapat haji yg mabrur. if i'm somewhat changed (for the better), pls accept me as i am. i'm grateful for being given the chance to know all of you, we will remain friends if Allah permits
if i don't come back, ampunkan dosa2 halalkan makan minum, halalkan hutang piutang (tuntutlah dari waris jika tidak) ... lastly, pls forgive me for what i've said and done. i'm truly sorry ..
لبيك اللهم لبيك , لبيك لا شريك لك لبيك إن الحمد والنعمة لك والملك , لا شريك ل
"Hamba-Mu datang menyahut panggilan- Mu, Ya Allah hamba-Mu datang menyahut panggilan-Mu. Hamba-Mu datang menyahut panggilan-Mu Tuhan yang tidak ada sekutu bagi-Mu. Hamba datang menyahut panggilan-Mu. Sesungguhnya segala pujian dan ni'kmat serta kerajaan adalah kepunyaan-Mu, tidak ada sekutu bagi-Mu"