Humanistic Psychology - Part I
What is humanistic psychology actually? It is the psychological perspective which emphasizes on the study of the whole person. Basically, it is a study on ourselves, our innerself to be exact.
The study believes that
- An individual's behavior is primarily determined by his perception of the world around him.
- Individuals are not solely the product of their environment.
- Individuals are internally directed and motivated to fulfill their human potential.
Conclusion: How a person develops and how he/she turns out to be are affected by conscious choices, responses to internal needs and current circumstances.
Only God knows how I hate that name. Never asked to be called that and never wanted to. It's all started back in matriculation, after the orientation week. Those so-called "seniors" came back from the long slumber holidays, and started to get to know the "juniors". One of their "ritual" was giving names to us, reason: real name is hard to remember, so give nickname, easier to say and remember. Yeah right easier, easy my arse! Unlucky me, got that dreaded name from a "senior" from Pahang, which is called Same (real name Hisham). Curse you ...
So after almost 10 years certain people called me by that name, today I decided not to be called with that name anymore. I have my own name, beautifully given by my mom, so that's gonna be my name. Nickname? That's reserved for family only, friends can call me with real name or my nickname at home. No other names for me! I am ISMAN.
Sometimes, we called people names but we do not know how that person feel when called by that name. What if they do not like it? What if they hate us for that? Everyone has their own name, why we couldn't call'em by their names? My thousand apologies to those who feel insulted by me calling them with names/nicknames which they do not like/prefer. Sorry ...
It's about time we respect others' names ...
p/s: ... and I'm not "kakak" neither, tqvm
Happy Birthday Fauzi
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to Fauzi,
Happy Birthday to you .....
God bless you, may you live a long, healthy and happy life ....
Happy Birthday Sharul
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday Sharul
Happy Birthday to you
... hehe sorry belated but changed the entry date ... mahahaha
The Touch
Went to kelaput last saturday. Only Fauzi+Mizwan at home. Bijek wasn't there until after maghrib. Tried to cook "kari telur", the outcome is acceptable. Hah, haven't lost the touch yet. Hehehe, blowing praises for myself.

putrajaya landscape, small version.
Masjid Sultan Abu Bakar JB
masjid sultan abu bakar in jb, first shots with my ixus400
It's been such a long time since last update .. too busy? Or was it too lazy???
Anyway, few things happened for the past 2 weeks, which directly and indirectly will change my course for the future. Feel like I'm back at square one now, but not really sure. Maybe need some time to adjust to how things gonna be from now on.
Still in the office now, not doing anything though. Closed that dreaded SAP 30 minutes ago. At first, I was involved in this project for doing research and testing. But, thanks to my EX-collegue which resigned last Friday without informing anyone except the boss, now I have to do his SAP programming. Heck, don't even know a single ABAP line and tomorrow we have a delivery. To make things worst, the SAP stuff is not working now, no handover report available, no status report and no documentation. How grateful could I be with the way things going on for this project?
OK off to home now, tired staring non-stop at this monitor with absolutely no idea what I'm doing with the SAP stuff ...