Friday, March 25, 2005

Married to my job

Now it's 10:45PM on Friday night and I'm still in the office. Finishing things up so we can deploy the project tonight and I can have a pleasant free weekend. Skipped gym for 4 days already due to hectic schedule of work.

Funny sometimes we're so into our job and we forgot to enjoy our life. For me, it's OK if you know when to get a break. And also you have to know to balance between your work and your personal life. Don't let your job consume most of your time (which is what my job is doing to me now ... heheh), but I believe less busy time is somewhere around the corner.

This week, felt like I'm living a life of a robot, wake up, go to work, work till late at night, go back to home and sleep, wake up the next morning and repeat the whole cycle again. And today, we'll be at the last mile of the development phase of the project. Because it's holiday tomorrow, so better finish everything. Thank God it's Friday!!!!